Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Buy stamps, help a cause....

Like I need an excuse to buy crafting supplies but now I can do it while helping a cause...

As you can probably tell from my blog I don't discriminate against stamping companies just because I am a CTMH consultant. I have never felt companies compete in this business which is why I like to share my love for them all. It actually really bothers me when I meet a consultant for another company who is so caught up she can't even look at a catalog for a supposed competing company. For those of you who know me as a CTMH consultant might not know that I also belong to a stampin up club and have for many years. Actually if I could, I would be a consultant for both companies and I love them both. I did, however, choose CTMH because of the ease of use and more scrapbooking supplies. I have many sets of Stampin up I haven't even cut out yet.

I have a few crafting blogs I like to read sometimes daily sometimes when I need inspiration and sometimes just when I think about it. Well one of these blogs is a lady who is a designer for a company called My Favorite Things. They designed a cute set called Think Pink. 50% of the retail proceeds will be going directly to the Susan G Komen For the Cure. If you are like me though, you will be able to find a few other sets you like on that site too. Orders over $40 dollars get free shipping! I hope to be sharing some projects with these stamps when they get here. Can't wait!

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